go WASM 技术在 Obsidian 中的 MVP 验证」的摘要信息

背景 想在 Obsidian 插件中引入使用 WASM,主要是出于 Obsidian 插件使用 Typescript 这限制了一些系统调用特别是文件相关的操作,例如监控文件的状态根据文件状态触发相关的操作。当前 Obsidian API 支持的文件监控仅有如下几个接口: /** * Called when a file is created. * This is also called when the vault is first loaded for each existing file * If you do not wish to receive create events on vault load, register your event handler inside {@link Workspace.onLayoutReady}. * @public */ on(name: 'create', callback: (file: TAbstractFile) => any, ctx?: any): EventRef; /** * Called when a file is modified. * @public */ on(name: 'modify', callback: (file: TAbstractFile) => any, ctx?: any): EventRef; /** * Called when a file is deleted. * @public */ on(name: 'delete', callback: (file: TAbstractFile) => any, ctx?: any): EventRef; /** * Called when a file is renamed. * @public */ o...